Lego City: Airport
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A great online game taking place in the skies. There’s a huge acrobatic show taking place above the city. It’s very important that you build three different planes and then take them for a flight. Don’t forget to collect blue Lego hats and try to get the highest score possible. It won’t be easy, so be sure to find a way to proceed.

Airport Madness 3 – Air Traffic Control Game
Full Screen This Game needs a lot of time to load. Please be patient. You are a traffic control manager working on an busy Airport with 2 Runaways.» Find out More

Runway Parking Game with Hangars
Full Screen Land the Planes on a Runway and than park them saftely to Hangars» Find out More

Easy Flight Simulator Online Free Game
Full Screen Best Online Flight Simulator is now available here. Enjoy the thrills of flying a real plane. All the commands will be displayed in game, these are the most common ones: Arrow Keys Up/Down – control speed Arrow Keys left/right – rotate G – toggle gear SPACE – turn around Z – for long […]» Find out More
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Full Screen You’re responsible for the traffic up in the air and need to land, park and taxi incoming planes. This is hacked game with this hack: Infinite crashes allowed» Find out More

Airport Madness 4 – Flight Control Games
Full Screen This game needs a lot of time to load. Please be patient. The best sequel of Airport Madness yet. You’re in command of an airport and need to land, park and taxy incoming planes. Enjoy.» Find out More

Move My Plane – Airplane Parking Games
Full Screen This is a cool parking game and I bet you will never finish it properly. Unlike other parking games this one gives you the chance to drive a car and airplane at the same time. Nice extra 🙂» Find out More

Full Screen TU-46 is an airplane simulator in which you have to fly from airport to airport without crashing. Take off from the runway, and then close your gear and adjust your flaps to ensure a smooth flight. Always keep an eye on the distance to the next airport and descend accordingly. After each successful […]» Find out More

Full Screen Fly between rings. Move with Arrow Keys or Mouse. SPACE is for power.» Find out More

Air Traffic Chief – Flight Control Games
Full Screen This is a different Air Traffic Control game because you actually need to draw the line for the landing planes. Use Mouse to click on an Aircraft and move the mouse while pressing left button.» Find out More

Full Screen This is one of the best take-off games. You have to calculate how much weight your airplane can carry in a given conditions. Sometimes you will have a big hill right next to the runway. You need to take into account the weather conditions, the wind and temperature. You score points based on […]» Find out More

Flight SIM X – Paper Throwing Game
Full Screen Drag the airplane to the far left of the screen and then quickly drag it to the right and let it go. Do not press mouse buttons and do not cross the red line. Try to get your plane to go further than your friends (you can play multiplayer mode).» Find out More

Full Screen J15 Fighter VI.05 lets you experience 3D flying simulation. In this realistic simulation game you will have opportunity to experience take–off and landing. Try this thrilling game that won’t let you down. LONG LOADING TIME, please wait…» Find out More

Sim Air Traffic – Flight Control Games
Full Screen You are a manager of a local airport. Your job is to land planes safely and without collision.As you progress to next levels airports will get bigger and your responsibility will grow.» Find out More

Xpeed Unleashed – Airplane Racing Games
Full Screen This Arcade Racing game takes time to load but when it loads it’s great fun. You’re racing with two other Fighter Airplanes. Commands: Arrow Keys + SPACE for speed» Find out More

Air War 3D – Air Battle Simulator
Full Screen This is First person view simulator. You’re flying the army plane over the city. Play with mouse (shoot with left button) and fire missiles on enemy object. Watch out for the tall buildings. There are more levels in this game.» Find out More

Now Boarding – Airport Manager Game
Full Screen You’re an airport manager in charge of Chicago airport. If you make enough successful flights you make money. Then you can buy extra runway or buy more seats in the plane. You can connect with cities far away because passengers pay more when they travel farther. This game is very addictive 🙂» Find out More

Now Boarding 2 Beta – Play it first
Full Screen This sequel provides better graphics and more destinations. You are the airport manager who takes care of boarding, planning and airport control. Enjoy» Find out More

TU Unleashed – Flight Simulator Game
Full Screen TU Unleashed is fun flight simulation game. It’s your job as a pilot to transport the passengers from one place to another. You can make great plane upgrades by earning more money and buying new planes.» Find out More
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Paper Pilot: The Battle Of The Air
Full Screen Paper Pilot: The Battle Of The Air is an exciting Action Game and published on May 6th, 2014 and has been played 556 times. Design your plane, practice flying it and then when you feel confident challenge your buddies and kick some ass. Just remember, you only get one shot in the competition.» Find out More

Full Screen This sequel of well known game provides lots of new items and new mission system (150 missions). New upgrades and a lot of achievements. Faster gameplay and destroyable objects! Also, the big news is: Free falling is back 🙂 You can hold a space bar button to call self-destruct timer at any time. […]» Find out More

Air War 2 – Airplane War Games
Full Screen The enemy has sent their best fighter pilots into our air space. You have to fight them back. The goal of each stage is to take out every single enemy. To do this, you will have to shoot down the enemies while flying around and avoiding their attacks. To control your fighter plane, […]» Find out More

Full Screen Fly your airplane in this fast race game. Collect as many yellow stars and avoid enemy planes along the way.» Find out More

Full Screen Take the stick and fly through the rings in Flight 3D Aerobatics. Try different challenges and keep your eye on the fuel. Have fun playing realistic controls.» Find out More

Full Screen Flying Coffins 4 is an exciting Skill Game and published on Dec 18th, 2012. Your task is to help the soul get out of the hell. To do this, you have to participate in air duel and win 10 times in a row. Then the doors of the hell will be opened…» Find out More

Full Screen Skies of War 2 is about fighting against Enemy in Air and on the Ground. If you played the first edition than you already know everything there is to know. When you collect enough money you can buy a new Aircraft. Commands: Mouse for moving, SPACE for mini map, Buttons for Shooting.» Find out More

Full Screen This game is played in turns like Chess. You need to outsmart the enemy aircrafts, get at their tails and shoot them. SteamBirds is very interesting game to play. Controls Mouse controls, with some keyboard shortcuts (mouseover buttons to see)» Find out More

Full Screen Burning Skies is World War 2 airplane shooting game. Lead your missions, attack and defeat your enemies.» Find out More

Full Screen Target accurately as many airplanes as you can. You only have thirty ammo so be careful with targeting. For game controls use keyboard arrows.» Find out More

Full Screen SteamBirds is an exciting aerial-dogfighting action/strategy that you play in turns. From a top-down perspective you manage your squadron of aircraft and take on growing numbers of enemies — complete with boss fights, special abilities, powerups, and lots of flashy explosions! Controls Completely Mouse Driven. Click on things with Gold Circles!» Find out More

Full Screen Pilot a modern attack helicopter to fight enemy forces consisting of similar tactical assault war choppers. Fly strategic fly paths to evade enemy rockets. Experience the joy and excitement of aerial combat with spectacular explosions, cannons, rockets and firepower. Fly and shoot as far as you can to get high score.» Find out More
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